Divorce Law

Divorce Law

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Divorce Law

Are you in the middle of a troubling divorce?

Divorce and the dissolution of a civil union can be highly contentious matters that require the intervention of experienced and skilled legal counsel. Divorce cases usually involve at least one or more of the following: property settlement, alimony, child support, child custody, or name changes.

Has your marriage come to a dead end? There are certain legal requirements to be met while filing for divorce in Texas:

  • One of the spouses must be a resident of the county where the divorce was filed for a minimum of 90 days.
  • The divorce must be filed on a few grounds too. Such as one spouse committed adultery or was convicted of a felony and has been imprisoned for more than a year without pardon.
  • One spouse abandoned the other for one year or longer.

as well as several other conditions.

There are also a series of documents to sign and steps to follow before couples can dissolve their marriage. The divorce process can be an emotionally trying period for you, but a competent family lawyer can help lessen the burden and give you the best representation.

At The Law Office of Frank P. Skipper, we handle divorce and other accompanying cases for you. If you’re going through a divorce or about to serve divorce papers, don’t forget to consult us for legal representation and counsel.